Archive Mode. Call 2021 Woodlawn Needlework Show ended on 4/20/21, 3:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

2021 Annual Needlework Show

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 58th Annual Needlework Show! We are so pleased to welcome you. This year, we are streamlining the submission process by using this online form, which will help us minimize contact while dropping off and picking up your item.
We appreciate your flexibility and patience as we all go through this new process.
Before filling out your form, please read the information on our website: 
Read the detailed instructions below on the submission progress. 


  1. Click "+ Register" in the top right corner of this screen.


  2. Create a User Account. You will use your email and password to log into the system to edit your application and submit additional applications.

    PLEASE use an email that you check often. Email will be the main form of communication we will be using for sending information out about the Needlework Show. 


  3. This section is "About You". All information on this page allows us to get in contact with you about the Show, and your submission. Every section on this page is REQUIRED, except the social media and website.


  4. Once you click "Update User Profile", you have completed the first half of your submission. You will not have to fill out this information again. 

  5. The second half of your submission is all about the stitched piece(s) that you are entering into the Show. You can submit up to 6 pieces (if you would like to submit more, please contact us). EACH PIECE WILL NEED A APPLICATION. To start an application, click the orange "Add New Application +" button. 

  6. This will bring you to the payment section. All payments for the Show will be taken by credit card through this system.
    First, select how many pieces you will be submitting. If you are submitting more than one, you will receive a discount on the other pieces, as listed below. You can choose multiple pieces now, or log in at a different time to fill out other applications. You will receive a discount either way.  
    Then, select which Fee Category you fall under. 

    Finally, enter your credit card information and select "Submit Payment Charge". You will receive an email receipt confirming your transaction

    Fee Categories:
         - Adult - anyone over the age of 18
        - Junior - anyone under the age of 18
        - Sets of Multiple Pieces - If you are entering a set of items, all components must be included and attached to each other.

  7. This section is all of the information needed about your stitched piece. ALL pieces are REQUIRED to list:

    • Category (Adapted Design, Commerical Design, or Original Design)

    • Title of your piece

    • Dimensions

    • Description of your piece

    • Division (Adult, Senior, Junior)

    • Technique (If your technique is not listed, please select "OTHER" and a staff member will contact you)

    • Exhibited By (This is the name of the Shop, Group, or Guild exhibiting your piece if you are sending it to them. Leave blank if you are bringing and exhibiting the piece yourself.)

    • Thread Count (If this doesn't apply to your piece, please write N/A)

    • Estimated Value 

    • Are you willing to sell your piece? (If you select YES, Woodlawn staff will reach out to you via email with a consignment contract to review, complete, and sign.)

    • Accepting the Terms and Conditions (Please click on the link and read through the Terms and Conditions before accepting them).

    • ORIGINAL DESIGNS are required to submit an Artist Statement. 


  8. All applications must submit a photo of the stitched piece. Do this by saving a photo of your piece to your computer, clicking "+Add Attachment", selecting the photo, and clicking "Open". 
    All ADAPTED designs must also submit a photo or scan of the image of source. 


  9. After you click "Complete & View Entry" you will be directed back to the Application Home page. Here, you can view and edit your submitted applications, or submit a new application. You will need to PRINT YOUR SUBMISSION LABEL from this page. 


  10. To print the submission label, click on "Print Label"


  11. A page similar to the image below, will pop-up with your application information. PLEASE PRINT THIS PAGE AND HAVE IT WITH YOUR PIECE. There must be a label with each piece you submit.  

    If you are having trouble with uploading a photo, please view the ArtCall Resize Image Help Video.